Preparing for your appointment
When you are having a conversation with your doctor, you can use this guide to help you:
Be prepared
There are questions in this guide that can help you prepare for your appointment. Having answers ready for these questions ahead of time may help you talk with your doctor about the impact of your condition and your treatment plan.
Be confident when asking questions
Asking for clear answers from your doctor will help you work together to make informed decisions.
If you’re seeing a new doctor or specialist, be sure to answer questions 1 to 3 to help bring them up to date on what you’re doing (or have done up until now) to help manage your condition. Also share any other relevant health history including medicines you are taking, pregnancy, or breastfeeding.
Space for your answers to the following questions will be provided on your final document.
(Please include prescription and over-the-counter medicines, including vitamins and herbal supplements.)
(Please consider all the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements.
Include those you don’t take every day—for example, acid reducers.)
(Examples may include alcohol septal ablation, myectomy, and ICD placement.)
Check all that apply. This is a list of the most common symptoms but may not include all symptoms you are experiencing.
While the symptoms listed above are common symptoms of symptomatic obstructive HCM, people with this condition may experience additional symptoms that are not represented here. Symptoms can be representative of many conditions. Only a healthcare provider can determine whether these symptoms indicate obstructive HCM or another condition.
Check all that apply. This is a list of common activities that may have been impacted by your symptoms but may not include all activities where you feel limited.
If you’re newly diagnosed, you may want to ask your doctor about your symptomatic obstructive HCM diagnosis to better understand your condition and treatment options. Some questions are provided below to help you get the conversation started. Keep in mind that the questions provided are suggestions for topics you can discuss and are not meant as medical advice. Be sure to discuss any questions you have with your doctor.
Check all that apply
CAMZYOS is a prescription medicine used to treat adults with symptomatic obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, or HCM. CAMZYOS may improve your symptoms and your ability to be active. It is not known if CAMZYOS is safe and effective in children.
If you’re talking with a doctor about possible treatment options and want to learn more about CAMZYOS, below are some questions you may want to ask:
If you and your doctor are considering CAMZYOS, be sure to discuss your medical history, prescription medicines, and over-the-counter medicines, including vitamins and herbal supplements. Your doctor is always the best source of information when it comes to your health.
It’s possible your doctor may prescribe CAMZYOS for your condition. The following includes topics you may want to discuss with your doctor before starting on CAMZYOS:
Sign Up for MyCAMZYOS.
To sign up for additional information about HCM: